Draž is a surname of two founders Tomaž & Urša, but in slovene it also means allure.
That led to decision first letter “d” would be a miniscule. Since all of their products derive from threads,
it became the main motive on applications.
Their work can be seen on www.draz.si/en

business paper | printed on On Offset 100g/m2

business cards | printed on On Offset 350g/m2

product declaration cards | printed on On Offset 100 & 350g/m2

New Years greeting card 2009 | printed on On Offset 350g/m2

invitation cards for fashion show called The Essence [Bistvo] | printed on On Offset 350g/m2. 2nd card is from their main sponsor. Motive of a bird is taken from Slovene Telekom logo.

fashion photos by: Stane Jerko
dresses by: Draž Knitwork (Tomaž & Urša Draž)