The third biennial conference
on electronic lexicography
eLex 2013 took place in Tallinn, Estonia, from 17-19 October 2013.
it was organised by Trojina - Institute for Applied Slovene Studies and her partners.
The previous two eLex conferences have included presentations
on many innovative approaches to presenting lexicographic information,
however there were, perhaps unavoidably, still discussions on the differences
between paper and electronic dictionaries, as well as comparisons
of their advantages and disadvantages. Such discussions merely take away the focus
from the actual task at hand – to find different ways on how to exploit the rich potential
of electronic medium in order to respond (quickly) to the needs of the
new types of users, as well as to the needs of modern lexicographers,
to forget about conventional approaches and be innovative,
to conceptualize the dictionary with an electronic format in mind;
in other words, “to think outside the paper”.

eLex poster

colors derive from Estonian flag
(the place of this years event)

Logo proposal for the organiser Trojina - Institute for Applied Slovene Studies and her partners
Slovene language has besides singular tense (ednina) and plural tense (množina) also “double” (dvojina).
Trojina is a word game on “dvojina”, and means triple.
Trojina is a word game on “dvojina”, and means triple.

Logo, landscape version

Logo “Trojina” derives from the shape of Slovenian Flag coat of arms and its colors
(Trojina is the organiser of the event)


logo, BW, negative

logo, BW, positive